
Architectural History’s Indeterminacy: Holiness in southern baroque architecture

Author: Helen Hills

  • Architectural History’s Indeterminacy:  Holiness in southern baroque architecture


    Architectural History’s Indeterminacy: Holiness in southern baroque architecture



This article is a critique of architectural history’s tendency to overdetermine in thinking about practice and theory in general, and in thinking the relationship between architecture and spirituality in post-Tridentine ecclesiastical architecture in particular. It first demonstrates what is meant both by over-determination and resistance to interdisciplinarity within mainstream architectural history before critically exploring in relation to this how post-Tridentine architecture and spiritual life or religious devotion might be thought together, the sorts of relationships between the two that may be thought to take place, and asks where this relationship might be located. Suggesting that it might be profitable to follow Deleuze’s philosophy of the Baroque in refusing the tripartite division between a field of reality (the world) and a field of representation (in his case the book, in ours, architecture) and a field of subjectivity (the author, the architect), and rather to adopt like him, the notion of rhizome — without beginning or end, always in the middle, between things, interbeing, intermezzo, indeterminate. The article seeks to consider Baroque architecture as rhizomatic construction, rather than the usual (and unhelpful) preoccupations with it as dichotomous, expressive, or ‘propagandistic’.

How to Cite:

Hills, H., (2007) “Architectural History’s Indeterminacy: Holiness in southern baroque architecture”, field 1(1), 42–61.

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Published on
01 Sep 2007
Peer Reviewed