
Review of Scottish Architecture Students’ Assembly (SASA) Week 2011

Author: Dele Adeyemo

  • Review of Scottish Architecture Students’ Assembly (SASA) Week 2011


    Review of Scottish Architecture Students’ Assembly (SASA) Week 2011



The Scottish Architecture Students’ Assembly (SASA) was founded by a group of young architecture graduates and students in 2010. The editors invited co-founder Dele Adeyemo to reflect on the first few years’ of SASA’s existence. The following report and recommendations have been generated principally from our first hand experiences in three key areas: Our personal experiences of the benefits as well as shortcom- ings of our architectural education as recent graduates setting up our own enterprise fresh from university in September 2010. Our perspective of setting up organising and running the Scottish Architecture Students Assembly (SASA) and lessons learned co-ordinating with students, schools of architecture and the Scottish Government. The impressions and opinions received on the structure of the architecture education from students of architecture, tutors and full-time staff in schools of architecture during the SASA events.

How to Cite:

Adeyemo, D., (2013) “Review of Scottish Architecture Students’ Assembly (SASA) Week 2011”, field 5(1), 143–156.

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Published on
01 Nov 2013
Peer Reviewed